Saturday, January 26, 2008

Coming and Going

To be on a quest is nothing more or less to become an asker of questions
Sam Keen

One of the reasons I chose a Jeep was because it would help facilitate my travels with my camera gear and the pup. I'm especially lucky that when I adopted Bella 18 months ago she turned out to be as eager to go on quests as I am. So imagine her delight this morning when I took her to a local dog park I had found out about. The problem where I live is that there are very few areas that will let a dog run off the leash, so she had a ball being free. I have to laugh though. For many years because I did travel so much I was more of a cat person(very easy to care for). When I moved to California, my roommate Brian turned out to be allergic to cats so I had no animal presence for a time. So when the opportunity came to adopt Bella, I did have to think about it because I do like to travel so frequently. What can I say, I'm blessed to have her on my journeys when I can take her and I've found ways to have her cared for when I cannot.

Since rain is continuing (we had a wee break this morning), I'm catching up on the reading. I was given "The Secret" for Christmas, so I'm going to read it and see if it is worth all the hullabaloo that has surrounded it.

Since I'm on a Beatles jag this week, one of my favorites, because the song and the video echoes so many the reasons why I'm a traveler, "Across the Universe":

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Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...