Thursday, January 3, 2013

Threads of Life

I like that embroidery serves no function. It's unlike knitting, crochet or sewing in that regard. Embroidery is pure embellishment. It's the frosting of needle arts, but it's almost always secondary to a functional object.
Jenny Hart

Happy New Year to everyone. Life has been busy, busier, busiest. So it's no wonder that I dive for an hour or two almost every night into the calming, meditative threads of embroidery. The quote above is from Jenny Hart who runs Sublime Stitching in Austin Texas. The discovery of her work has sparked me into picking up the needle again. I'm finding ways I can use my photography eventually with the embroidery and other possibilities for weaving it into mixed media art. The scissors in the photo above are from her shop and just an example of the fun ways she has turned grandma's embroidery on it's head.

2012 was a tough year for many. I'm kicking off 2013 with lots of hope and openness to possibility.

Today I'm grateful for the revival of so many of the so called old school crafts and the modern twist that is being given to them.

Dale Bendixen,"Threads of Life":

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