Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Find Your Way Back

You may lose your way from time to time, but if you listen to your heart, you will always find your way back home.

It's been awhile. And I've been busy. Shortly after I wrote my last post there were some events that happened and well....I found myself the owner of a new Jeep and a travel trailer. Her name is LivInn Magic Moments and I have been. I've been exploring parts of California I have missed and am out glamping every 3 to 6 weeks. Indoctrination into this life was intense (I am still learning). I've been taking my dog Bella with me and she loves it. 

With the intensity of this I moved away from a few things I had been doing, this blog, my embroidery....But I'm finding my way back. The cancer is considered in remission although we have struggled with my medication and it's side effects. I'm on a third drug and as they say third time may be the charm. I have reconciled with my sisters and that is a good thing. 

Now I'm working on if I will stay where I am long term or make changes. I'll be taking a week long glamping trip in about 3 weeks with the purpose of relaxing, seeing parts of Northern California I have never seen and figuring out what's next with life.

I promise I will write more and share what is going on in life.

Jefferson Starship, "Find Your Way Back":

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