Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some Light And A Harp

He’s made a harp of her breast-bane,
Whose sound wad melt a heart of stane.
He’s ta’en three locks o’ her yellow hair,
And wi’ them strung his harp sae rare.
Unknown, Binnorie, or The Two Sisters

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We've had a good deal of rain where I live so between my work schedule and commitments it's been hard to get out with my camera. In the midst of all of this my floor harp arrived from Triplett Harps. Nicer people you have never met. My teacher is right. It is so much easier to learn on a floor harp. My lap harp is now at my office. I've been using it to take a quick few moments of practice when I have time and it's a great stress reliever.

Late in the day over the last two days we've gotten some sun breaking through towards sunset. Last night we had this rich buttery light and it happened just as I pulled in from work. I came out of the parking area, grabbed my camera and caught some of the light, just incredible. It's the kind of light you want to bath your subjects in it's so warming. Tonight the light wasn't quite as rich, but it allowed me a moment to take a shot of my harp since some people in my life have asked about it. The harp is a rich maple and walnut combination. The sound is bright and warm. The resonance is incredible. I love the simplicity and elegance of the design. For this first harp, I didn't want any embellishment. Since I'm serious about it, I've been practicing every night for about a hour and it's not a burden, it's a joy. Turns out it soothes my hyperactive English Springer. She curls up near the harp and goes to sleep. A funny note is that one night I took it into another room to practice shutting the door. She came to the door and howled (and I've never heard her howl) until I let in her, then true to her routine, she curled up and napped.

All I can say is how rich my life is, photography, music, friends...now if I can just figure out the rest....

Loreena McKennitt, "The Bonny Swans":

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