Saturday, September 26, 2009

Light Studies with the Harp

Her thin fingers, moving
In the thin, tall strings,
Were weav-weav-weaving
Wonderful things
Edna Vincent St. Millay

I was working with my harp late this afternoon and the sun came through our new blinds hitting it. Enthralled I grabbed my camera and shot a series of light studies. I cannot say that I thought out the shots greatly, I just shot intuitively, much the way I live life. I was pleased with what came out.

It's a great warm up for the photo trip I'm taking next weekend to the Eastern Sierra Nevadas. This one is on my own. Just the camera and I getting some in-depth time together that we haven't had for a few months.

In about three weeks, I'll be going to get my "forever harp" that I had Triplett Harps build for me. Finally, I've been waiting since March for it. Another harper I admire, Lisa Lynne also plays Triplett Harps so I'll share some of her work...

Lisa Lynne and Friends, "Celebration 2009":

1 comment:

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...