Saturday, October 10, 2009

Jesse Cook Rumbas Through Part One

I'm breaking format for a couple of days. Last night Jesse Cook was in town. Luck was with me and I was able combine my two passions photography and music. The concert was even better then last year and I lucked out with a second row left orchestra seat that was perfect for shooting. The music was phenomenal. As a musician I love to watch the interplay between band members and you could tell these guys loved being together. It was intimate, sensual and stirring. He played several tunes from his new CD, "The Rumba Foundation" which I've had on my Walkman since it was released last week. If anyone left the concert disappointed last night they weren't at the same one I was.

I took a good deal of photos and did a few in black and white. I'll do some color tomorrow. He is out on tour for the next several months and I would encourage anyone to see him. It will be one of the best concerts you ever attend.

I'll include one of the tunes (again) that brought me to attention about him as an artist oh so many years ago.

Jesse Cook, "Tempest":

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  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...