Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I prefer to explore the most intimate moments, the smaller, crystallized details we all hinge our lives on. 
Rita Dove
The word that has come up a good deal in the last two days is hinge. Whether I go back to work in two weeks hinges on lab results. Health insurance availability in a few years may hinge on a election outcomes. By definition it is that on which anything turns or depends....That seems to be the theme of life lately.

In light of thinking of hinges, I'll share a short poem by Shel Silverstein:


If we had hinges on our heads
There wouldn’t be no sin,
Cause we could take the bad stuff out,
And leave the good stuff in.

Tonight I'm grateful for for the lessons of hinges....

Amber Digby, "Hinges on the Door":

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  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...