Thursday, May 28, 2015


Will you take me as I am?
-Joni Mitchell 

I've been in California almost 12 years now. I didn't exactly embrace the move at first and at times, I despair of being far from others I care about. California embraced me though and here I've become more then I ever dreamed and bloomed. Besides photography, music has been a major growth experience. Last summer I was reintroduced to some mountain dulcimer players and decided it was time to learn. So last fall during the break from blogging I finally had a dulcimer built for me. I'll be touching on the  mountain dulcimer in the next few entries, especially in relation to its California connections.

Joni Mitchell helped with bringing the dulcimer to national attention when she purchased one from JoEllen Lapidus and then composed some songs on her Blue album.  Despite this and other artists embrace of it, many people still don't realize what a mountain dulcimer is and it is fun to introduce them to it.

Joni Mitchell, 'California':

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