Wednesday, January 19, 2022


When nothing is sure, everything is possible.


Living with Covid-19 over the last two years, we have attempted every trend or possibility that can be discovered on YouTube, TicTok, Instagram etc. Zoom has become the socialization glue that holds us together and so on. I found myself sharing my sourdough starter as I had been doing it before the trend kicked off. My patients were constantly asking me for new ideas of what to do. And I found myself responding, "With this time what would you like to do?" So I ended up running a journaling club with them to work on insights about their life and paths that they would like to explore.

As the quote above indicates, we live in unsure times on so many fronts and it could either be paralyzing or full of possibilites. The path for me was and is possibilities. I explored some coaching paths, but for the most part, I dug deeper into things that I already was doing. I ended up taking some classes in Textile Art. The piece above was based on Phukari, a folk form of embroidery of the Punjab. 

Covid-19 isn't heading out in the near future, so instead of cursing every day, I'm learning to ask, "What are the possibilities?"

Freedie Storma, "Possibilities":


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