Friday, January 21, 2022

Unexpected Arrival


Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns. 

In an earlier post I indicated I had lost my English Springer Spaniel, Bella. She made it to 18, but within a matter of a few weeks after Christmas, she became worse, so I had to put her to sleep this past February. I knew that I would get another Springer, even before she passed. So I had started looking at getting a rescue again, but due to Covid there were none, so I made the decision to get a puppy (for the first and last time). I found someone who only breeds his 2 dogs for the love of it. And waited. He notified me that someone who wanted a pup had backed out, so did I want the pup, earlier then planned (I was waiting for his other dog to be bred) I. So as noted I will be getting a female pup sometime in the next month or so.

Something happened though in late October. A good elderly friend who was taking care of some cats that after her sister in law died (she had fed them and they were feral), asked me in September if I would take a kitten from the litter one of them had had. The reply was no as I was going to be gone for two weeks in October and then I was expecting a pup. Well, I got back from the wedding and was having coffee with my friend. She said, " I have something for you". She brought out a 3 month old kitten and put her on my lap. They had trapped the other kittens and taken them to be adopted, the black one had escaped with the mother. They finally trapped them both and got them spayed (I was surprised they did kittens that young). She begged me to take her, and due to all the wonderful things, my friend had done for me and what it meant to her, I now have a kitten. Meet LunaBelle. So I went from hoping for a rescue, expecting to get a pup and to an unexpected arrival. So much for all my plans

I have a feeling the next few months won't be boring.

Bernadette Peters, "Unexpected Song":

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