Thursday, June 7, 2007

And They Were....

My friend and I went into NYC as planned to see some of the photo shows at galleries in Chelsea. We decided to take a cab to the last one. First we had the luck of finding a cab driver who didn't know where he was going, so we had him let us off. We started walking down the street it was on when my friend noted things were changing or as she put it the three signs of the apocalypse occurred. First sign: not a soul in sight at 4 pm on a Friday, second sign: tons of barbed wire appearing and the third: coming upon a solid red brick building with a steel door and sign announcing it was a strip club. In unison we decided to backtrack to civilization. But my friend the comedian provided the final comment that broke me. She said essentially it looked like the end of a movie or book with the phrase, "....and they were never heard from again." I'm sure we looked like two madwomen as we collapsed with laughter going down the sidewalk.

We were lucky enough to find a cab and decided to go crosstown to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Great decision. We had appetizers and lavender martinis and listened to classical music on the balcony. We then decided to separate and go to some exhibitions that had caught our interest. I love the Greek/Roman art section and was able to coax my camera into taking some photos without flash. We finished with a luxuriant dinner overlooking Cleopatra's Needle in Central Park.

Lavender Martini

.5-1 oz Lavender syrup to taste
2 oz Vanilla Vodka

Shake with ice and pour into a martini glass

Shawn Mullins: Beautiful Wreck

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Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...