Saturday, April 5, 2008

Letting Go

Control is never achieved when sought after directly. It is the surprising outcome of letting go.
James Arthur Ray

Being in control has always been a major thing for me. Perhaps that's one of the things that attracts me to photography so much. But the last few weeks have been a lesson in not being in control and letting go. Through my recent experiences I think that lesson has been sinking in. Not having control over doing photography the way I normally would the last few weeks, forced me to look at the process differently. I've found that I've been able to pull off a couple of shots before my arm weakens. So when I looked for material close to home to take advantage of this, I found flowers. Yes, I know flowers have been done to death, but using my modified Holga lens has brought a new perspective. When I started looking through the viewfinder, a different world opened up and you are seeing some of the results. It is a surprising outcome in the process of having let go of control. Let's just hope I can learn this lesson in a few other areas of life that I've been holding tightly to.

Keisha Cole, "Let It Go":

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