Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Camping I Will Go

Camping: The art of getting closer to nature while getting farther away from the nearest cold beverage, hot shower and flush toilet.
Author Unknown

The backpack is stuffed and I'm ready to hit the road in under 12 hours to go on my photo workshop where I'll be camping for the next 4 days/3 nights. Opinions have been either mixed: that I'm either doing something incredible or something nuts. I'll let you know which one was right when I get back next week from Santa Rosa Island.

The brave thing I did today was to reserve a flat in the Belgravia/Victoria area of London for a December trip. It was a great deal for eight nights. It's on the edge of a 3 acre garden square so should be incredible. I decided as today was my birthday, it was in keeping with the plan to travel every 2-3 months in the coming year.

I decided since I had shared my friend's horoscope, I'd do mine and credit goes to Free Will Astrology:

Leo Horoscope for week of August 7, 2008

Verticle Oracle card Leo (July 23-August 22)
When British rock legend David Bowie came to America for his first tour in 1973, he said he felt like a fly in a glass of milk. He was half-drowning in a flood of interesting new sensations and perceptions, while at the same time he was greedily drinking it all in, stoked with fascinated joy. According to my astrological projections, Leo, you're in that fly-in-the-milk state yourself, or will soon be.

I want to share a song that my grandmother often played when I stayed with her when I was growing up. We were very close and even though she's not here physically, I can feel her spirit with me. Much of what I've become is because of her influence. She also made birthdays special.

Jim Reeves, "Welcome to My World":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!! Happy birthday! You're a loon. yeah!

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...