Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Santa Rosa Island Part 4 Sculptural Garden

Simultaneously freeform and meticulously crafted, emotive and wise, these sculptures seek their own destiny
Collette Chattopadhyay

One of the wonders of Santa Rosa is Loco Canyon. The hand of nature carved sculptures throughout a several mile journey. Looking through the viewfinder of my camera to narrow in on a certain perspective and taking in panoramic sweeps, it all was the same in one aspect, awe inspiring. Sometimes the eye was drawn to give a name and perception to these organic shapes. At other times, they just became a breathtaking abstract. These four photos to me acknowledge both of these points of view, however as the perception of form is always with the person looking at the image/object I will leave these to your unique interpretations (if any).

Loreena McKennitt, "Standing Stones":


Anonymous said...

These rock formations are certainly sculptural. The second one looks like an ant hill, doesn't it? And the last is without a doubt - a groundhog (or gopher).

This is a new Loreena McKennitt song for me. I've practically worn out her cd, the Book of Secrecy. It's very good. Perfect for Fall, I think. And I met her once at a photo shoot. She was warm and generous in person.

Anonymous said...

That first photo in this post is really remarkable to me.

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...