Saturday, August 2, 2008

Juicy Tomatoes

I was a ...tomato: a juicy, sexy, beefsteak tomato.
Dustin Hoffman in "Tootsie"

The tomatoes have arrived. Heirlooms, golden, beefsteak...they all are hot and juicy looking. The farmer's market is exploding with them. Now to the one brave thing I did today. I went, tried on and then purchased convertible, zip-off pants for the trip. In them I'll be a juicy tomato-not. Hmm, backpacking and sensual/sexy. Not words that you'll probably see much in a sentence combination. However, Susanna at "Susanna's Sketchbook" created a piece of art work that is incredibly sensual/sexy. I'm in awe of her talent.

Here's a couple of juicy and sexy tomatoes:

Sting and Mary J. Blige, "Whenever I Say Your Name":

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