Monday, October 25, 2010


A precipice in front, wolves behind
Latin Saying

Perspective really is how one sees things and there is no better teacher for this lately then my camera. I had hoped I was shooting an series of interesting rock formations in a certain light this past week in the Alabama Hills. When I was finally looked at this today, I was stunned the contrast was even more then I had hoped for in the light that existed. Either I'm seeing more from the camera's perspective or I'm finally getting to see more from mine. I'm not sure sure which, but it was a good lesson for today.

I've spent the last couple of weeks not spending much time on Mom issues, but they came back today. It was a good deal of feeling like I was riding a wild horse of emotion until I was able to gain better control of my perspective. And gaining perspective is everything if you can find a positive frame to put it in.

Rolling Stones, "Wild Horses":

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