Sunday, June 7, 2015

Insipid Twisted

In any work you do, you can be profound one minute, and you can be superficial in the next, and you can be smart and insightful and then insipid. There is room for all of that.
-Maira Kalman

The second toile scene was completed. Toile fabric has pastoral scenes that can be interesting or somewhat insipid. This one was so insipid it just screamed to be twisted. And I had the inspiration (for both pieces). I have never understood the 'Fifty Shades of Gray' phenomena. I tried out the book and found it to be the most insipid drivel, I had ever read. And I am sure many who read it considered it edgy. Ah no, vanilla. Let's just say I have learned a good deal in my years of working with peoples behaviors that I never expected to. When the movie came out I avoided it. Finally a friend cornered me into watching the DVD with her. Well the actors tried... we ended making fun of it through the rest of the DVD. 

So the pieces are done tongue in cheek and provide me with a laugh any time I glance at them. What makes you laugh?

Heart, 'Letting Go':

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