Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Soft Touch

In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue and white;
Like sapphire, pearl,and rich embroidery.
William Shakespeare

People will ask, 'Why embroidery?' There isn't a simple answer to that, but I'll try for a few insights. It connects me to the past, keeps me in the present, yet impels me to look for ideas for the future. It is yin to the yang days I have at work. Most of all there is a wonderful tactile and visual sensuality to the process and finished product. Today I ran across a film that illustrates this wonderfully. Adriana Torres is from Argentina and embroiders under Miga de Pan (and also produces other lovely items). A filmmaker under the pseudonym  Pumping and Pumping, film, produced a gorgeous piece that captures the above perfectly.

Pumping and Pumping, film, 'Miga de Pan':

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