Sunday, February 25, 2007


My second post today. I just found out the son of someone I know was killed in Iraq. When is this all going to stop? I've been protesting, educating and using every disposal at my means to wake people up!! It's not just the war, it's the mentality of fear, giving up of rights, creation of large mistrusts and reducing our critical thought processes about what is happening to us to brief images and sound bites. I'm not naive to think we don't have to face and deal with the threat of terrorism and it's inherent issues, but there are better ways to do it. Out of respect to my friend's wishes ,I won't name her son, but I will share some videos and a link to Poet's Against the War, in hopes that maybe even one person will come by and think about what is happening to our country and its freedoms.

The videos. Sting, "Fragile" and Neil Young, "Flags of Freedom":

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