Tuesday, February 19, 2008


You can’t make a great musician or a great photographer if the magic isn’t there.
Eve Arnold

When I first started studying photography, I thought the area had little beauty or magic to offer me. I'm now eating my words and finding there is beauty anywhere. You just have to pay attention and it will over itself.

Just not enough time for my photography. I'm finding myself more and more not wanting to be in my counseling profession and wanting to do photography. I'm gaining a quiet confidence things will change. I indicated a couple of weeks ago I was reading "The Secret". It really didn't say anything I hadn't heard of before, it just reminded me of what I need to do, i.e. put it out what I want and trust it will come. I was buying frames and mats this weekend and was talking to the sales person about doing photography. A woman behind me asked for my card as she is looking for someone to take family portraits. I began to say oh no I'm not ready etc....But then I stopped and gave her my phone numbers. I don't know if she will call, but again the universe nudged me back with it's magic and now I'm believing it's telling me to use it...

ELO, "Strange Magic":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa Marie...gorgeous image!!

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...