Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Looking In

Take your Holga out for a ride. Stop often. Play.
Kit Frost

Hello there. Thought I'd stop and look in. First thanks to all my amazing friends who got me through the past week. I couldn't done it without them. Living life one handed has been an adventure.

While I love to shoot film, it's not always convenient. I love shooting with my Holga, but it can get expensive as I don't have a dark room available and have to pay a local lab to develop the film. Randy at Holgamods to the rescue. I'm now the proud possessor of a "Holgapus". A modified Olympus lens cap with a Holga lens attached. Purists may scoff, but it's a brilliant alternative. I took my first short drive today and went to my friend Judy's. She is an amazing photographer. I managed a one hand shot in her garden. It was so satisfying as I was going into withdraw. A twitchy photographer can be a sad sight. We had a fun time and it was great to be out.

It will be a bit before I'm back in the game completely, but am getting there. In the meantime I'm perusing my favorite blogs for inspiration.

Todd Rundgren, "Hello It's Me":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea - adding a holga lens to a canon lens. A friend's daughter showed me how she could attach her digital macro lens to a Rolleflex viewfinder and lens to get a vintage look to an image. I think it's called the through-the-viewfinder technique. She showed me a few online sites that have tutorials on how to do it.

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