Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recession, Fashion and Other Stuff

Come, woo me, woo me; for now I am in a holiday humor, and like enough to consent.
William Shakespeare

This is a holiday season for the records. So many people around me are affected by the recession, credit crunch or whatever it's termed in one's country of origin and are in poor spirits. I feel for them, but yet I feel the best I've felt in a long time. I could almost feel guilty for feeling so good. So many people seem to think things aren't going to get better, but I feel yes they will given the right attitude, actions and time. I'm happy that some positive action has been taken to help the auto industry(you can take a deep breath Mom and Dad), but I hope that they use the help wisely. California is another story, I wish I could explain to people out of state who keep asking me why the deficit is so large here, but it's not an easy explanation. But by the end of next year the prediction is that for someone in my salary range is that it could cost up to 25 per cent more to live in California. Another reason driving me towards the East Coast.

I've lost 15 of the 27 lbs that I picked up over the two years from exercise limitations due to my shoulder problem and I'm fitting into some clothes that were in storage. My interest in fashion has also returned and I've found myself perusing budget fashion blogs for ideas. This is because I have to buy my wardrobe on a counselor's salary so I'm a huntress for bargains (hello eBay). They're my new guilty pleasure. But what amazes me is how many people are their own models and comfortable in front of the camera. It's a definite generational difference. Cameras were used mainly for special occasions in my growing up years, so camera poses were of the awkward sort. The current generation is so visually oriented that it seems more strange to them when you're not comfortable in front of the camera. While I was traveling the past few weeks, I received many requests to help people take pictures so they could all be in front of camera. In return they often wanted to know if I wanted a picture of me in front of whatever landmark we happened to be at. As I tell people, I'm behind the camera not in front of it. And they always seemed shocked that I didn't want to be in front of it. For me it comes down to at the end of the day that I'm a very private person. That's why I have no desire to be famous. I like my anonymity.

Any how. I've been enjoying getting out of my uniform of chinos and t-shirts. I'm wearing skirts again and let's not even talk about shoes/boots. For the first time in a few years I can tolerate heels. and eBay have been seeing a good deal of me the last few months. Work gave me a gift card for the holidays so I bought some fashion. So now you know something more about me; that I have a passion for something besides my photography. But then photography and fashion go hand in hand so it's not surprising...

So here's hoping there is humor and joy in the next days leading up to the Christmas holiday.

Madonna, "Santa Baby":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your positive attitude! The terrible financial news and the gloom that seems to have settled across the country got to me, too. It's worrisome BUT we WILL survive one way or another and make it to the other side. My grandparents raised my parents during the Depression and then through WWII. They were quite creative with food and gifts and everyday needs. And we can do the same!

I know what you mean about being in front of the camera. I can get quite judgemental about how I look in photos BUT I've been thinking that when I'm eighty, I'd like to look back on my life and see what I looked like at this age. I've been trying out self portraits and while I may not post them on my blog, it's nice to have photo for my future self.

Pondering on Photography

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