Friday, January 12, 2007

Born Into...

Whenever I've had a difficult week, I try to bring things to mind that remind me of my blessings and luck.Tonight it became about Born Into Brothels. I was lucky enough to meet Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman in Berkley at a showing of this when they did a question and answer period. They were kind enough to spend about 20 minutes speaking with Bill (he took the photo of them together) and I about their work. Also there was some fun kidding about what Zana was going to wear for the Oscars as it had just been nominated for Best Documentary. Usually I don't get excited about getting someone's autograph, but because of the warmness and generous spirit of both individuals I was this time. I had a book signed by Zana and a poster by both her and Ross. They continue to do extraordinary work through her organization Kids with Cameras.

Earlier this week I was told to discontinue any community social work efforts (some were creative and fun) I was doing. My job was redefined as a result of political bull going on. For once I backed down, knowing it was best. I was pretty heart heavy though and I came back to this to remind of a hope that some day I can combine both my clinical and camera talents into something creative and unique.

1 comment:

Ross said...


ps: by the way, your photography is excellent.

Who I'm Becoming

  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...