Saturday, August 25, 2007

Going Through Changes

"When the music changes, so does the dance"
African Proverb

Today was a good day for me. Friends and I went to SF to the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market and then to do photography at Fort Point. It was an incredible day. The first meal of the day was at the market. I needed to eat a bit earlier so I joined the line at Rose's Cafe at the edge of the market for Brioche French Toast, topped with fresh strawberries and the most incredible whipped creme I have ever had. It almost melted on the fork before it reached my mouth. The morning had the usual foggy, cloudy start but towards 1-2 pm the sun peeked out and it turned into a warm, relaxing frolicsome type of day. We ended it with eating organic hot dogs and drinking various vintage sodas. I couldn't resist a picture of one of the bottles as the sun was hitting it.

It was a different day for my family. I came home to the news they had made it to Arizona. I was happy for them, but could hear the weariness and even frightened tone in their voices. It isn't easy to make change from a place you have been most of your life to a totally new one. I just hope I can make it easier in small ways....the next few months will tell. It will definitely be a spiral of adapting to the new place for all of them.

3 Doors Down, "Changes":

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