Saturday, August 11, 2007

Up Late

One of the things I've always been a night owl and whenever I'm off from work, I tend to revert to staying up late and doing things. I've been continuing to refine my Photoshop skills in preparation to submit some work for two local gallery shows coming up. I realized that I had been at it for quite a while after hearing my roommate come in. I took my dog out for a quick walk and then came back. She ran to her empty food bowl, managed to flip it over. Then she began shoving it with her nose to my feet. Finally she sat down behind it, just enough to say, "feed me". We both laughed so hard that tears were running down our faces as this is a trick she's never done in the 11 months I've had her.

It's been a good week, having completed yet another birthday, seeing friends and doing travel. I always reflect around my birthday about where I'm at in life. It's been a year of enormous change with more yet to come, but enormous satisfaction. The feeling of contentment and belief in the path I'm walking on artistically is incredibly satisfying.

To celebrate, India. Arie "Video":

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