Monday, August 27, 2007


"To accomplish things there must first be an idea that the thing is possible. Then the watchword must be try, and keep on trying with enthusiasm and a thorough belief in your ability to succeed. If you are convinced that a certain thing can be done, never mind what the world says to the contrary; experiment, never give up."
-Thomas Edison

Last night I read an incredible blog entry by Andrew entitled, "A Few Basic Lessons of Fine Arts Photography". It's a wonderful piece of writing. Not to mention the humbleness with which it is presented. There is not much more I can add tonight to what he has already given. I'm thankful I found it. It's a reminder to follow your own path and write your own story in photography....

Natasha Bedingfield, "Unwritten":

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read Andrew's post and I agree with you, it's a good post. I agree with everything he wrote. And his Joseph Campbell quote hit home with me. Sometimes figuring out meaning behind our artwork, why we are drawn to a certain subject, where are we going as artists, can be frustrating. Frustrating but necessary.

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