Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Finally today I released a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. The radiologist/oncologist let me know that the path report showed negative lymph nodes and I was a candidate for the breast brachytherapy. Now I have to wait for my local group and United Healthcare to approve it. If all goes well I will have the catheter placed on Monday morning. A friend is coming up for the doctor visit and we are going to do a little girl hanging out.

I'm meeting with my primary on Friday to work on coordination of my plan for recovery. I'm not out of the woods yet, but at least I feel like I've found the path that may lead me out.

It's hot here today. Just have been reading and resting. Woke up with grief swimming through my being about everything that has been happening. Stretching, meditating and sipping tea in the early morning air on the patio helped. Also talked with some friends about the shadows.

My gratitude is for the quiet I had today. It was the first day in about a week that I felt at ease with it...had been afraid of too much of it last week. Also for my camera, once again it's becoming a companion. I'd been away from it for far too long.

Jesse Cook, "F Maj Lick":

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