Friday, June 22, 2012

Setting A Direction

When I look at other blogs about breast cancer on the net, it seems many women's (and the rare man) stories have a good deal of drama about what is going on. Drama is not something I want. At this point I feel (and hope) that my story becomes almost straight forward and quiet. Lumpectomy, radiation and then remission/cure. In other words, I prefer a short story to a novel.

The next direction of  treatment was set today. My insurance company approved the brachytherapy. I will have the catheter inserted on Monday am. The paperwork for disability was also began by my primary. He agrees that six weeks is needed given the big picture of what is going on. So as of now it looks like I will not return to work until the first full week of August.

It's funny. The first weeks you are dealing with the cancer diagnosis is like being in an emergency situation. Every one is on red alert and it consumes much of what you do. Post surgery and things began to fall into the acute phase where it is about routine hard work. Especially if you are not at a later stage of the diagnosis process i.e. stage 1 vs stage 4. Everyone is still concerned, but the sense of  urgency is muted...

I know that I'm more fatigued then I thought I would be at this point. I can do things, but my energy is in spurts. I do something and then lay down or take a nap. Dr. T told me this isn't unusual post surgery. He told me it will get worst for awhile after radiation which is part of why he put me off, besides my immune system being affected. Working on this by doing massage therapy and Reiki. Both are helping.

Today I am grateful that my cancer story seems like it is going to read like a short story vs a long novel. Some of my bc sisters/brothers are not so lucky. Truly I have been blessed.

Gossip, "Move in the Right Direction":

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