Friday, August 10, 2012

Baby It's Hot Outside

We are in the middle of an August heat wave. Temperatures at 100+ through the weekend. I'm going away for a day to get away.  Flipped a coin between the mountains and the ocean...the ocean won because it will be cooler. The mountains can be hot during times like these, I'll be heading though to them in a couple of weekends to retreat again.

I may be getting hot inside. Today was the start of hormone therapy. I found so far not too bad other then medicine head feeling and napping. Here's hoping it holds to that level.  While we're talking in the c sphere, someone asked if I regretted cutting my hair since I'm not doing chemo.  The answer is no. Actually I like the look, it's very easy to care for since it's wavy and it is way cooler. I'll let it grow again eventually.

Not a good deal to say, just chilling inside while it's hot outside. Catching up on a pile of reading. In view of the chilling, I'm grateful today to my landlords for the new central air conditioning and for keeping me a chilly jilly.

The Better Halves, "Baby It's Hot Outside":

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  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...