Monday, August 27, 2012

The Yin of Being and The Yang of Doing

The acupuncturist I've been seeing has told me I'm Yin deficient. During the time I sat meditation this weekend I realized he was right. My life experience, intellectual and cultural training are largely about doing or the Yang quality. Going on "silent retreat" was the most Yin thing I could have done. This a.m. I realized I wanted to continue the experience. So I'm creating an Yin of Being. That is I'm turning my phone/media sources off for a few hours during the day. I'm using the time to focus on meditation, yoga and other things for healing and insight.

It was a good lesson today. I found that when I returned to do the Yang of Doing.i.e housework, walking the dog...I was much more focused on that task. I'm going to continue this experiment and see if it will become a way to help me improve life.

Tonight I'm grateful for my acupuncturist who is opening me up to new ways of being and doing.

Lisa Lynne and Levi Chen, "Celtic Zen":

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