Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Woman's Best Friend

I've been negligent in not introducing the one who has constantly at my side for the last several weeks since this b c thing began happening. Six years ago I rescued her from a shelter and she has returned the favor several times over. Bella is handicapped, she has a malformed front left paw. That hasn't stopped her. When we go on walks she lopes with ears flapping, tongue hanging out and going up/down she provides people who pass us with quite a laugh. She has her fans on the bike path that we walk on frequently. Her nickname is Hoover Hound. She had been starved by her previous owner so she is very fixated on food. I have to watch her because she will suck up anything that she thinks might be tasty.

She gets my eternal gratitude. She has kept me in shape, kept my spirits up and keeps me motivated. She brings joy to other people as she greets everyone with a lick and a tail wag.

She truly is a woman's best friend.

Queen, "You're My Best Friend":

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