Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Eye on the World

Today was a quiet day in my world. I don't have an exact date for starting chemotherapy as they have to get authorization etc., but should be next week or early the following week. Rest of the day was spent doing healing things for myself and relationships. It will be a similar day tomorrow.

One of  major events for tomorrow is that I will be cutting my hair significantly shorter in preparation for the chemotherapy.  It may seem odd to some that this is major, but it is because of what it symbolizes. I've asked a friend to come with me and to help make a girl's thing out of it. The best advice I can give so far about this cancer experience is that when you are doing something that will make changes to yourself physically or have to met with people who are treating you, bring someone along for the ride as it makes it easier.

I also spent some time working on photography. My Olympus E-3 and I continue to become reacquainted. I love it, but am lusting after the E-5 to add to my collection as it has some features the E-3 doesn't.  I'm a faithful Olympus fan and have no plans to change. My friends with Nikon's and Canon's, don't understand it. I've tried to describe the reasons why I love the brand, however usually I have to tell them that only another Olympus fan would get it.

Tonight I'm grateful for the peace of healing some issues that were not right in my world. I feel lighter as I head to my bed.

Walking On Air (Howard Blake):

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