Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Brachytherapy Day Five Finished

I finished radiation today. It was a fairly quiet finish. They took the catheter out, taped me up, and sent me on my way with an appointment to return in two weeks. I have an appointment with the Dr. E on Thursday. Still no word on the oncologist. I made a call and will hopefully find out what is going on at the appointment. Just feeling very tired, but got my first shower, no more half baths. It's the simple pleasures that make life satisfying these days.

My other major thing today was a new air conditioning unit. They were here early to late and had to deliver the new unit via a hundred foot crane. I managed to grab a series of shots. No more mid 80 temperatures. 

Not much to say. Just gratitude that I am finished with one more segment of this journey and going on to the next.

Off for a nap...

Bonnie Raitt, "Right Down the Line":

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  "Inspiration is the greatest gift that an artist bequeaths to future artists, igniting the desire to produce their own work" -Pa...